Represents a file or folder being uploaded. Provides functions to discover item state, get info about upload
progress as well as to pause, resume and cancel upload.
Name | Type | Description |
sUrl |
string | |
oFsEntry |
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.FSEntry | |
oBinding |
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.Controls.HtmlControl | |
oSession |
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploaderSession | |
oGroupManager |
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.Groups.GroupManager | |
oSettings |
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.Settings |
CustomData :Object
CustomData -
Stores custom data.
AddHeader(sName, sValue)
AddHeader -
Adds HTTP header to upload. Note that depending on your web server and web browser, maximum allowed request header size or size of all headers in total may be limited.
Name Type Description sName
String Header name. sValue
String Header value. -
AddListener(sEventName, fCallback, oContext)
AddListener -
Add event handlers.
Name Type Description sEventName
string The event name to handle. fCallback
function The callback to call. oContext
object optional The context to callback is called with. -
CancelAsync(iTryCount, iDelayAttempt, fCallback)
CancelAsync -
Aborts upload.
Name Type Description iTryCount
number optional Number of times to try to delete the file if the file did not exist on the server before upload. Pass 0 to not try to delete the file. Default is: 5. iDelayAttempt
number optional Delay between attempts to delete in milliseconds. Default is: 500. fCallback
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem~AsyncCallback optional The callback to call when upload is cancelled. -
GetDeleteOnCancel() → {boolean}
GetDeleteOnCancel -
Gets if the file is deleted when the upload is canceled.
boolean True if file is deleted when upload is canceled. Otherwise - false. Default is true. -
GetErrors() → {Array.<Error>|Array.<ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Exceptions.WebDavException>}
GetErrors -
Gets all upload errors.
Array.<Error> | Array.<ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Exceptions.WebDavException> -
GetFile() → {globalThis.File|null}
GetFile -
Gets File object. Returns null in case of a folder.
globalThis.File | null -
GetLastError() → {Error|ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Exceptions.WebDavException}
GetLastError -
Gets last upload error.
Error | ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Exceptions.WebDavException -
GetName() → {string}
GetName -
Gets file or folder name with extension.
string File or folder name. -
GetOverwrite() → {boolean}
GetOverwrite -
Gets if the item will be overwritten if it exists on the server.
boolean True if the file on the server will be overwritten. Otherwise - false. Default is false. -
GetProgress() → {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.Progress}
GetProgress -
Gets object that describes upload progress.
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.Progress -
GetRelativePath() → {string}
GetRelativePath -
Gets relative path.
string File or folder relative path. -
GetState() → {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.State|string}
GetState -
Gets current upload state.
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.State | string -
GetUrl() → {string}
GetUrl -
Get target url.
string File or folder target upload URL. -
IsFolder() → {boolean}
IsFolder -
Check if upload item represents a folder item.
boolean True if item is a folder. Otherwise - false. -
PauseAsync -
Pauses upload.
Name Type Description fCallback
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem~AsyncCallback optional The callback to call when upload is paused. -
RemoveListener(sEventName, fCallback, oContext)
RemoveListener -
Remove event listener.
Name Type Description sEventName
string The event name to remove. fCallback
function The callback to call. oContext
object optional The context to callback is called with. -
SetDeleteOnCancel -
Sets if the file should be deleted if upload is canceled. By default, the file is deleted if the upload is canceled. To override this behavior, call this method passing false as a parameter. This function must be called on files only.
Name Type Description bDelete
boolean Specifies if the file should be deleted on cancel. Typically you will pass false if the file existed before upload. You will pass true to set the default behavior and delete the file when the upload is canceled. Throws:
Thrown if this function is called on folder item.
- Type
- ITHit.Exceptions.ArgumentException
SetFailed -
Sets failed state. Populates item's error with provided error instance.
Name Type Description oError
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Exceptions.WebDavException The error instance that will be set as a failure description. Throws:
- Thrown if argument is not derived from ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Exceptions.WebDavException.
- Type
- ITHit.Exceptions.ArgumentException
var oUploader = new ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.Uploader(); oUploader.Queue.OnUploadItemsCreated = function(oUploadItemsCreated) { var sErrorMessage = 'Added to queue in failed state'; var oWebDavException = new ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Exceptions.WebDavException(sMessage); /** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem[]} aItemsToUpload */ oUploadItemsCreated.Items.forEach(function(oItem) { oItem.SetFailed(oWebDavException); } oUploadItemsCreated.Upload(oUploadItemsCreated.Items); });
SetOverwrite -
Sets if the item is overwritten if it exists on the server. If false is passed and the file exists on the server upload will fail and the UploadItem will be set in the error state. Default is false.
Name Type Description Pass
boolean true to force the file to be overwritten. Pass false to make upload fail if file exists. -
StartAsync -
Begins upload.
Name Type Description fCallback
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem~AsyncCallback optional The callback to call when upload is paused.
Type Definitions
AsyncCallback -
Callback function to be called when action performed.
OnBeforeUploadStarted -
Event fired before ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem started upload. You will validate item in this event and present user interface if user interaction is necessary. In this event you can check if each item exists on the server and specify if item should be overwritten or skipped. You can also validate file size, file extension, file upload path and file name. To continue upload the ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.Events.BeforeUploadStarted#Upload function should be called. To skip upload the ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.Events.BeforeUploadStarted#Skip function should be called.
/** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem} oItem */ var oItem = oUploader.Queue.GetByUrl(sSomeUrl); oItem.AddListener('OnBeforeUploadStarted', function(oBeforeUploadStarted) { WebDAVController.WebDavSession.OpenItemAsync(sHref, [], function(oAsyncResult) { if (oAsyncResult.IsSuccess) { oItem.SetSkip(true); } oBeforeUploadStarted.Done(); }); });
OnError -
Event reporting that upload error occurred.
Name Type Description Sender
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem Upload item instance. Name
string Event name. Error.
Error | ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Exceptions.WebDavException Example
/** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem} oItem */ var oItem = oUploader.Queue.GetByUrl(sSomeUrl); oItem.AddListener('OnError', function (oOnError) { console.log('Upload to:' + oOnError.Sender.GetUrl() + ', failed with error:' + oOnError.Error.toString()); });
OnProgressChanged -
Event reporting that upload item progress changed.
Name Type Description Sender
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem Upload item instance. Name
string Event name. OldProgress
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.Progress Previous progress. NewProgress
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.Progress Actual progress. Example
/** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem} oItem */ var oItem = oUploader.Queue.GetByUrl(sSomeUrl); oItem.AddListener('OnProgressChanged', function (oProgressChanged) { console.log('Upload to:' + oStateChanged.Sender.GetUrl() + ', completed by:' + oProgressChanged.NewProgress.Completed + '%'); });
OnStateChanged -
Event reporting that upload item state changed.
Name Type Description Sender
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem Upload item instance. Name
string Event name. OldState
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.State Previous state. NewState
ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.State Actual state. Example
/** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem} oItem */ var oItem = oUploader.Queue.GetByUrl(sSomeUrl); oItem.AddListener('OnStateChanged', function (oStateChanged) { console.log('Upload to:' + oStateChanged.Sender.GetUrl() + ', changed state to :' + oStateChanged.NewState); });
OnUploadError -
Event fired when is possible to retry failed upload and waited until one of action called.
/** @typedef {ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem} oItem */ var oItem = oUploader.Queue.GetByUrl(sSomeUrl); AddListener('OnUploadError', function(oUploadError) { setTimeout(function() { oUploadError.Retry(); }, 2000) });