
IT Hit WebDAV AJAX Library Class Reference

Detects environment in which JavaScript is running, such as operating system and web browser.
Provides static methods for logging.
Type of information being logged.
Instance of this class is passed to callback function. It provides information about success or failure of the operation as well as you will use it to get the results of the asynchronous call.
This class provides methods for opening documents for editing directly from server and saving back to server without download and upload steps. This includes editing Microsoft Office documents as well as any other file types and works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Represents information about errors occurred in different elements.
Base exception for all exceptions thrown by browser extension integration. Initializes a new instance of the IntegrationException class with a specified error message.
Represents features supported by WebDAV server.
Information about lock set on an item.
Represents one WebDAV item (file, folder or lock-null).
Represents a file on a WebDAV server.
Represents a version on a WebDAV server.
Represents a folder in a WebDAV repository.
Structure that describes HTTP response's status.
Information about lock set on an item.
Scope of the lock. Represents exclusive or shared lock.
Represents pair of resource uri - lock token. Is used to access locked resources.
The class represents set of extensions to be edited with Microsoft Office.
Represents information about errors occurred in different elements.
Represents error occurred in one element.
Provides means for finding which properties failed to update.
Options of an item, described by supported HTTP extensions.
Initializes new instance of OrderProperty.
Array of file and folder items that correspond to the offset, number of items and sorting conditions requested from server. Also contains a total number of items in this folder or in search results.
Initializes new string valued property.
Initializes new instance of PropertyName.
Represents a context for one or many requests.
Represents a context for one or many requests.
Enumeration of the item (Resource or Folder).
Provides support partial uploads and resuming broken uploads.
Media type independent link.
This class provides methods for opening documents for editing directly from Sharepoint site and saving back to site without download and upload steps. This includes editing Microsoft Office documents as well as any other file types and works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Instance of this class provides metadata for drop zone.
Instance of this class provides metadata for input.
Instance of this class store drop zones and provide methods to creating and removing them
List of upload inputs. Contains items of ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.Controls.Input type.
This class represents progress state of upload.
List of items being uploaded. Each item in the list describes the file or folder upload state and provides methods for managing upload.
This class provides settings for Uploader.
Upload state.
Create uploader instance.
Represents a file or folder being uploaded. Provides functions to discover item state, get info about upload progress as well as to pause, resume and cancel upload.
This class represents asynchronous request to WebDAV server. The instance of this class is returned from most asynchronous methods of the library. You can use it to cancel the request calling Abort() method of this class as well as to show progress attaching to Progress event.